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Yokogawa amongst first to pass new fieldbus Host Profile program

Yokogawa’s STARDOM network-based control system and CENTUM VP integrated production control system are among the first Foundation fieldbus host systems to pass the Fieldbus Foundation’s recently developed Host Profile Registration Program, the company said.

The registration process tests to ensure robust interoperability and integration between host systems and devices from different vendors.

This newly-introduced Registration Program replaces the Foundation’s previous Host Interoperability Support Test (HIST), which provided a host test protocol with implementation undertaken by the host vendor.

Now, under the Host Profile Registration Program, the Foundation itself conducts functional testing with a test device and specialised Device Descriptions (DDs) and Capabilities Files (CFs).

Host suppliers have access to standardised test requirements and test cases for all hosts within a profile tested to the same requirements, and standardised test devices for all basic I/O function blocks and specialised test transducer blocks.

The Registration Program requires mandatory testing of critical elements of the technology. It encompasses Foundation fieldbus host systems and field devices, as well as physical layer components such as power supplies and device couplers.

These tests verify whether systems support the features defined in FF-569 Revision 2 (host interoperability support test and procedures revision 2.0), which set out how host systems and field devices are to be linked via a Foundation Fieldbus network.

A registered host system is formally recognised to comply with the Foundation’s interoperability requirements and is allowed to bear the Foundation fieldbus product registration symbol.

“Yokogawa is very pleased to be one of the first companies to complete the host profile registration process with our CENTUM VP Integrated Control System and Stardom Network-based Control System,” said Yokogawa Australia managing director, John Hewitt.

“Yokogawa continues its commitment to support Foundation Fieldbus technology and promote the solution by demonstrating interoperability and compliance to the updated Foundation requirements. We will continue making every effort to promote Foundation fieldbus and reduce costs over the entire plant lifecycle.”

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