Vitrek Corporation has appointed Westek Electronics as Australian Representative for their electrical safety testers and other test equipment.
Vitrek Corporation is an instrumentation manufacturer that designs and makes automated electrical safety compliance test equipment for a large variety of applications. Vitrek Electrical Safety Testers include AC & DC Hipot (Dielectric Withstand), Insulation Resistance Measurement, Ground Bond Analysers, High Voltage Scanning Systems and Precision High Voltage Measurement Devices.
In addition to test equipment Vitrek also provides test automation software and turnkey automated electrical safety test stations, complete with barcode capability.
Vitrek Electrical Safety Testers and other Vitrek Analysers are now available through its Australian representative, Westek Electronics, an Australian-owned instrumentation, EMC devices and analysis equipment as well as component supplier.
Vitrek chose Westek Electronics for its demonstrated expertise in the field of compliance testing including not only electrical safety but also EMC, flicker, harmonics and inter-harmonics compliance to EN norms.
Westek Electronics was founded in 1996, and is a well-qualified supplier to major Australian industries including Australian and New Zealand whitegoods manufacturers, Defence, Mining, Power Generation and Distribution, and general industry.
For further information, contact (03) 9369 8802,