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Website focusses on strategies to reduce costs and maximise production

Honeywell has launched a website designed to deliver ideas, information and tools designed by the company to help manufacturers maximise plant performance and get the most out of existing assets.

The website at focusses on four key strategies: reducing maintenance costs, reducing risk and improving cash flow, implementing high-ROI solutions and driving down operational costs.

It includes a variety of tools including videos, podcasts, white papers, case studies and informational web seminars, all of which offer practical advice for deriving faster returns during these lean times, according to Honeywell.

“Over the past few years, manufacturers have been feeling pressure to push production to the limits, but now they’re under intense scrutiny to cut costs while maintaining production,” said Honeywell Process Solutions, vice president of marketing and global strategy, Harsh Chitale.

“With the current economic situation, it’s more important than ever for manufacturers to operate efficiently, and our customers are increasingly asking for advice on how to do that. is one tool we’re offering to provide easy access to this information.”

The site features tips on using Honeywell products to extend the life of current assets, improve product quality, use certified recycled parts to reduce maintenance costs, install applications to reduce energy consumption, implement cost-effective migration strategies, reduce raw materials costs, optimise existing advanced applications, and comply with regulations.

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