Aspen Technology has released V8.4 of aspenONE software.
The unified engineering environment features Activated Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) and updates to Activated Energy and Activated Economics in Aspen HYSYS and Aspen Plus.
In addition, the new software adds crude assay data and new reactor models for refinery modelling with Aspen HYSYS and expands solids models for chemicals in Aspen Plus.
AspenTech’s Activation capability in Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS enables process engineers to do instant analysis of heat exchangers, energy, and economics without specialist knowledge of these engineering disciplines.
This unified engineering environment enables engineers to work more efficiently and achieve better results within tight project timelines.
The new Activation capabilities in V8.4 software include:
• Activated EDR – an all-new Activation capability to optimise heat exchanger design and operation. From within the new Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS engineering environment, users can do rigorous heat exchanger design and view heat exchanger status to quickly perform revamp studies and debottlenecking.
• Activated Energy – automates pinch analysis for non-experts, adds the ability to group process units in a flow diagram and optimise energy across the grouping. Activated Energy also identifies optimum design modifications for energy savings and automatically recommends lower cost utilities that are available.
• Activated Economics – powered by AspenTech’s proprietary costing engine and the process industry’s only cost estimation software, Activated Economics in V8.4 adds cost overlays.
According to Jacobus Kloos, Process Engineer, Dow, “The new Activated Exchanger Design and Rating brings a new level of ease to trouble-shooting heat exchanger operations in processes.
"Activation makes any exchanger issues very apparent during the process simulation. I am confident this exciting new capability will be of immense value to my process engineering colleagues – and to me – on a day-to-day basis, helping us to operate our processes more efficiently, at lower energy cost and with greater operating reliability.”
Additionally, V8.4 includes expanded conceptual solids models, which bridge process engineering and particle science and extends solids modelling to non-experts.
Using AspenTech’s solids models, including two new operating units, spray dryers and fluidised bed reactors, both process engineers and particle scientists are able to build designs in parallel using a common frame of reference for faster and more efficient process design.