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Turbidity measurement solution

Hach has introduced a new technology for the water industry, the TU5 Series Turbidity Platform. This platform is comprised of both laboratory and online turbidimeters and has been designed to be the next standard in the evolution of turbidity. According to the company, the platform offers the only turbidimeters to employ 360° x 90° direction technology.

The product reduces the time needed to get a reliable turbidity measurement, with 98 per cent less online sample surface area to clean, sealed vials for calibration and the elimination of the need for indexing and silicone oil in the lab, the company claims. A smaller online sample volume also means that turbidity events will be detected quickly.

The product offers the option of three different instruments – one for lab and two for online measurements. The TU5200 is for use in the laboratory, while the TU5300 and the TU5400 are both equipped to provide continuous measurements.

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