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TSE6086B Flexible Package Leak Detector

The aim of testing after packing is to ensure the quality of
finished products, improve their shelf-life, and therefore assure a greater
guarantee of product compliance.

The bench top model TSE6086B tests packages for leaks and
goes go / no-go answers independent of the operator. It can detect holes (leak)
as small as 10 micron in diameter allowing sensitive measurement without
stressing package contents thanks to the unique chamber design.

This leak testing equipment is used by clients to test
biscuits, snack foods, salad, MAP packs, milk powder, medical bandages,
pharmaceuticals etc. with proven results that make us the leading provider in
the industry. The testing chamber is designed to fit most package sizes found
in the supermarket. Finished products are placed manually, and the handle is
closed to initiate a fully automatic test sequence.

Results are displayed with Pass or Fail lamps, along with a
quantitative measure of the leakage rate. The test run as fast as 5-15 seconds
for most standard packs and testing results are logged into a spreadsheet
importable format to PC for trend analysis and traceability.

The non-destructive, stainless steel food package leak
tester is ideal for seal integrity and leak detection and designed for high
industry standards.

Bestech Australia also offers traditional water bath leak
testers and modified versions based on customers’ specifications.

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