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More training in drone technology delivered to Benido TAFE

Students at Bendigo TAFE are gaining access to more training in areas such as drone technology.

On the 4th of October, the Victorian minister for training and skills Gayle Tierney announced a $2.2 million boost to deliver 10 courses at the Bendigo campus.

Courses have been developed in collaboration with industry, employers and other key local stakeholders.

They will provide vital training across the plumbing, horticulture, disability support, government, agriculture and construction sectors.

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The Victorian government is also delivering $1.2m in funding for training in the industrial application of drone technology – qualifying students in the use of the technology and positioning them to take up jobs in cutting-edge fields and future industries.

The Enhancing Workforce Capability Through Industrial Application of Drone Technology project will allow students to exploit the full potential of drones at Bendigo TAFE and at various other regional and metropolitan TAFEs.

Tierney said the funding supports delivering cutting edge training that keeps pace with changing industry needs

“We’re rebuilding TAFE to provide industry relevant training that gets Victorians into jobs,” said Tierney.

Member for Bendigo East, Jacinta Allan, said training links Bendigo students with the skills industries are asking for and puts them first in line for jobs in demand across the region.

Skilled workers are in high demand across Victoria, which is why the Victorian Budget 2018/19 is investing an additional $644m to strengthen TAFE, address skills shortages and ensure all Victorians can access the training they need to get a good job.



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