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Tasman Tanks unit used for Foodstuffs water harvesting project

FOODSTUFFS Auckland has implemented a water harvesting project in New Zealand, designed to save millions of litres of potable water.

Foodstuffs Auckland is New Zealand’s largest retail organisation, with over 30,000 employees.

CTD Nesdale, which is Foodstuffs’ chilled and frozen goods distribution site, now harvests rainwater for use in its refrigeration system.

The site has two areas: a chiller, which runs at approximately +2°C, and a freezer which runs at about -25°C.

The harvested rainwater is used to cool ammonia which circulates throughout the building to create the cool temperatures.

The rainwater is stored in an 840 cubic metre tank, supplied by Tasman Tank Co. By collecting the rainwater from the roof instead of using the city’s water supply, the site saved huge quantities of water.

The tank is a TS 600 bolted tank with a heavy duty Aeon PTR liner, measures 15m by 4.76mm and has an effective capacity of 630 cubic metres.

Foodstuff is now looking at other initiatives, possibly at other sites, in order to improve and expand its services in a productive and sustainable way.

It says future plans will definitely include water harvesting to minimise the company’s impact on the environment.

Tasman Tanks says the move by Foodstuffs to use a bolted steel tank made a lot of sense, because the modular tanks are speedy and safe to erect, and offer a method of construction that can be readily and aesthetically blended with surrounding buildings.

Bolted steel tanks are steadily overtaking alternatives such as concrete because they will not leak, are less expensive to build, and are cheaper and easier to maintain.

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