Business owners will now be able to create new business, marketing and emergency plans using a suite of free iPad apps developed by the Australian Government.
By making planning templates available in a tablet app format, it will now be easier for businesses to create plans and update, share and store them online.
The two new iPad apps, MyBizPlan and MarketMyBiz, provide interactive templates to guide businesses through the process of developing business and marketing plans.
The existing app, MyBizShield, has been updated in response to customer feedback to improve its usability and enable cloud storage. The app was launched last year as part of a suite of resources to help businesses plan for emergencies.
The Executive Director of the Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) and passionate small business owner, Peter Strong, welcomed the new tools.
"Having your plan right there on your tablet device, means you can refer to your planning information really quickly anywhere. It's not sitting in a filing cabinet somewhere collecting dust," said Strong.
The apps are based on the business planning tools which earlier this year recorded over a million downloads. Android versions of the business planning tools apps are currently being developed.