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Solar batteries – the answer to Australia’s energy problems?

solar batteries

A significant price drop has seen solar batteries skyrocket in popularity. Experts believe that solar battery storage could be the solution to widespread power outages, such as those seen in South Australia over the past few months.

A national audit of solar batteries has shown that almost 7000 were installed in Australian homes last year, with this figure projected to triple in 2017.

According to Warwick Johnston from SunWiz, which carried out the audit, the price of batteries saw a huge drop in the middle of 2016, which coincided with a sharp increase in purchases.

Currently, the cheapest solar battery in Australia retails for $1200, although larger batteries tend to cost between $8000 and $10,000.

According to Johnston, solar batteries could be the answer to South Australia’s continuing problem with power outages.

“I’d say three years is when we’d start to see that batteries are playing an important role in the network,” he told the Sydney Morning Herald.

Networks in most Australian states and territories (including SA) are currently trialling solar batteries to determine their potential impact on infrastructure.

John Bradley, chief executive of Energy Networks Australia, said feedback from networks running battery trials has been positive.

Bradley also believes that solar batteries could play an important role in Australia’s energy future, with solar battery users receiving incentives and payments for allowing their technology to support the grid.

He believes this will result in a grid that is both more efficient and more stable.


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