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SMS verification system to identify counterfeit detectors

A new SMS verification system designed to help identify counterfeit gold detectors has been introduced by metal detection company, Minelab.

The verification system enables prospectors purchasing Minelab GPX Series detectors to independently confirm by SMS anywhere in the world that the detector they are purchasing is a genuine Minelab product.

The verification process is quick and easy. It involves SMS-ing the serial number of a GPX Series detector to a special Minelab number, along with the word or code located in a hidden image on the security label.

If the product is a genuine GPX Series detector, Minelab issues an automatic ‘yes’ response back to the SMS.

Minelab General Manager Peter Charlesworth said that in addition to the new SMS system, a variety of different security labels had been introduced into the existing range of GPX detectors.

“The new SMS verification system ensures customers can easily identify genuine Minelab GPX Series detectors,” he said.

“Too often we see prospectors in remote areas of the world purchasing counterfeit products, most of which even carry the Minelab trademark.

There are now three methods available for customers to authenticate a Minelab product. These include checking the product’s security labels, visiting the company's online verification system (available through Minelab’s authorised dealers and distributors), and the new SMS verification process.

Charlesworth said Minelab customers should look out for hidden images on the security labels. “There are three possible images that can be found on the security labels of a Minelab GPX Series detector product,” he said.

“To ensure you have a genuine Minelab detector, the images should be: clear and rainbow-coloured; contain rainbow colours in the word ‘Genuine’ and; appear on a pure silver coloured background.

An instruction video demonstrating the new verification process can be viewed here.

Based in Adelaide, Minelab is a subsidiary of electronics company Codan, which develops and markets handheld metal detectors for coin hunting and gold prospecting hobbyists and landmine clearance applications globally.

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