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PACE Today brings you two useful books on lean maintenance and motor and pump alignment, with your chance to win!

A MILLWRIGHTS GUIDE TO MOTOR/PUMP ALIGNMENT (Second Edition), Tom Harlon, ISBN 978-0-8311-3315-3, Industrial Press, $43

A former engineer stated that the author’s first edition contained more alignment information than the sum total of all other works in the Library of Congress. This second edition is the result of over 38 years of hard work and many thousands of hours of writing, testing, retesting, and testing again, the alignment-related formulas the author has developed through experience.

A Millwright’s Guide was written to make motor and pump alignment work much easier and is designed to assist people in the field boost their income. The language used throughout the text is accessible for both novices and professionals.

Written by a mechanic for mechanics, A Millwright’s Guide provides loads of information, common sense tips, and tested methods and formulas that help both seasoned and beginner technicians ‘get back to basics’.

The new edition offers ‘how-to’ tutorials, tips, drawings, formulas and mathematical examples that address the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ in several dozen realistic incidents involving alignment work.

LEAN MAINTENANCE, Joel Levitt, ISBN 978-0-8311-3352-8, Industrial Press, $64

Written for anyone in a leadership position in maintenance, storeroom or production, this unique book is also useful for resellers to the maintenance departments of a business, including maintenance contractors, parts vendors, and various kinds of service providers.

A practical book, Lean Maintenance will take the reader on a journey covering uncovering waste, designing projects to address the waste, selling projects to management and delivering the projects.

Every area in maintenance is covered, including total productive maintenance (TPM) measure, storeroom, project management tasking, work orders and computer systems. Plus, readers will be able to immediately use the text to begin the process of saving money, energy, or time within just one hour — this is the book’s promise.

Levitt provides readers with useful examples at every step of the way, including forms and check lists for successful ‘lean’ projects. Users should also be able to design and execute a savings project within a day after reading Lean Maintenance.


For your chance to win a copy of one of these valuable texts, send your answer to the following question along with your contact details to

Q: When will The Safety Show 2008 be held? (answer can be found either on the PACE Today website or in the October issue of PACE magazine).

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