Siemens has won a $5 million contract to supply a turnkey solution including a 66 kV switchyard and 11 kV indoor substation for the Moolarben Coal Project near Newcastle, including the design and supply for the project.
Jointly owned by Felix Resources, Sojitz Moolarben Resources and Kores Australia Moolarben Coal, and in partnership with Country Energy, the region’s electrical distributor, and PowerServe, the project’s civil works partner, the project includes design, procurement, supply, transport, site off-loading, site civil and structural works, installation, erection, site testing, commissioning, documentation and operator training.
Siemens won the project based on the scope of works offered in the two-phase proposal, including a network/load flow analysis and concept design, as well as the turnkey solution that provides one complete solution delivered by Siemens, the company said.
A period contract with Country Energy for the supply of all 66 kV circuit breakers also positioned Siemens as the successful partner, in recognition of our in-depth knowledge of Country Energy’s specific electrical requirements and previous record of achievement in delivering on the customer’s needs.
Felix Resources managing director, Brian Flannery, said the open-cut and underground mines at Moolarben are expected to produce up to 13 Mtpa of saleable export and domestic thermal coal once in full production.
“We are expecting our first coal to be shipped in March 2010 through the new Newcastle Coal terminal and estimate the lifespan of the mine will be more than 20 years,” he said.
“We are confident the Siemens turnkey solution for Moolarben will ensure delivery of a permanent high voltage power supply substation for the safe and efficient provision, switching and distribution of electrical energy at the site.”