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Siemens broadens wastewater and water treatment portfolio with acquisition

Siemens Industry Automation Division entered into an agreement to acquire Cambridge Water Technology, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. With this acquisition, Siemens intends to strengthen its product portfolio with a leading-edge technology.

The acquisition of Cambridge Water Technology is in line with Siemens’ strategy of pursuing leading-edge technologies with high customer value for municipal water and wastewater treatment as well as select industrial markets.

Siemens aims to provide cost-effective yet high-quality water treatment in both developed and developing countries by using innovative and standardised solutions.

The technologies developed and patented by Cambridge Water Technology increase the rate of solids removal and enhance the capacity and contaminant removal performance of water and wastewater treatment systems.

Compared to conventional technologies, Cambridge Water Technology’s solutions require less than half of the footprint and increase the capacity of existing treatment systems by two to three times without adding any new tankage.

The technologies can also effectively manage high wet weather flows and enable enhanced nutrient removal at costs that are substantially less than other available alternatives.

Suitable for use in new installations as well as upgrades and retrofits for a variety of municipal and industrial applications, the Cambridge Water Technology product line complements Siemens’ offer for biological wastewater treatment and clarification as well as drinking water treatment.

Cambridge Water Technology is expected to be combined with Siemens’ municipal wastewater business and will continue to operate out of Massachusetts.

Cambridge Water Technology has marketed its solutions under the BioMag and CoMag brands, primarily in the municipal wastewater market.

Additionally, the company has used its technologies in a number of industrial market applications, and is investigating drinking water treatment applications.

Its proprietary technologies are based upon a novel approach of using magnetite as a ballast to optimise the clarification process.

Cambridge Water Technology is the first company to successfully apply this type of technology to biological wastewater processes.

Using the technologies can result in significant reduction in capital costs for capacity expansion and nutrient removal, as well as improvements in meeting turbidity requirements.

The technologies developed by Cambridge Water Technology increase the rate of solids removal and enhance the contaminant removal performance of water and wastewater treatment systems.Based on the process of coagulation, flocculation, and clarification, CoMag enhances the particulate removal process by impregnating flocs with magnetite, a readily-available, and fully inert iron ore.

BioMag is able to increase secondary clarification rates and thereby stabilise the sludge blanket. Increasing the specific gravity of biological floc with magnetite ensures rapid and reliable settling and thickening in secondary treatment clarifiers, which in turn provides the opportunity to increase the concentration and thereby the treatment capacity of the biomass.

Siemens’ planned acquisition will include global technology rights but not Cambridge Water Technology’s current subsidiaries outside of the US.

BioMag and CoMag are trademarks of Cambridge Water Technology and/or its affiliates in some countries.

[Images courtesy: Cambridge Water Technology.]

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