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SEW DriveAcademy updates training for 2013

SEW-Eurodrive has released an updated schedule for its nation-wide motor and drive technology training program, DriveAcademy.

Based on the same technical training syllabus used to educate SEW-Eurodrive’s own engineers, DriveAcademy provides end-users and system integrators with a set of skills to get the most out of motor and drive technologies and applications.

According to SEW-Eurodrive’s National Training Manager, Michael Stranieri, customers can expect more from the training schedule in 2013.

“We have increased the number of unique courses to support the diverse products we have here at SEW,” said Stranieri.

“For example, we have introduced special ‘decentralised topic training’ weeks, which includes five courses in five days. This training will provide customers technical and practical knowledge for MOVIMOT, MOVIGEAR, MOVIFIT and MOVIPRO.”

DriveAcademy training courses cover a wide range of topics, including maintenance and condition repair- covering maintenance and repair of SEW gearmotors and condition monitoring systems for preventative maintenance.

Product specific courses are also offered, providing insight into the implementation of some of SEW-Eurodrive’s technologies – such as courses on the company’s MOVIDRIVE ‘B’ application inverter, MOVI-PLC/motion controller, decentralised drive systems, and the MOVITRAC frequency inverter families.

All courses are offered for a variety of end-users, including drive engineers, service application engineers, operations managers and maintenance technicians.

The combination of theory and hands-on practical segments adds to the learning experience at SEW’s DriveAcademy.

“Standard courses are offered in small class sizes to ensure participants receive a high level of personal attention. This equips attendees with specific knowledge relating to our motor and drive technologies, meaning they are better able to leverage this functionality into their own workplace,” said Stranieri.

The 2013 schedule begins with training on the company’s MOVITRAC B series of frequency inverters in early March.

More information.

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