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Safety preview on Youtube

The Safety Institute of Australia has captured four speakers on video for a sneak preview of the Safety In Action Conference.

The speakers and the topic of their previews are:

John Merritt, Executive Director, WorkSafe Victoria

An insight into the thinking behind the regulator’s award-winning campaigns and the new directions it would like to establish for the OHS profession.

Associate Professor John Pead, Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health

Why routine trauma counselling may do more harm than good and how to look after workers who have faced death at work.

Gary Rowe, CEO, Safety Action

Risk management is at the top of every OHS professional’s agenda. Discover how to overcome the challenges presented by contractors.

Beth Wilson, Health Services Commissioner

An unorthodox and entertaining approach to safety education — are safety messages more effective using fun or fear?

The videos can be found at:

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