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Rockwell product tour kicks-off in Melbourne

Free online registrations are still available for Rockwell Automation’s On Tour ’09 travelling industry event, which kicks-off in Melbourne next week and is designed to showcase the company’s integrated architecture products and solutions.

Planned for the Melbourne Park Function Centre on 28th and 29th April, On Tour ’09 will feature a trade show-style exhibition, plus hands-on technology workshops and a ‘technology trends’ industrial presentation stream delivered by Rockwell Automation product experts.

Following the Melbourne dates, the event will move to:

Sydney (26th-27th May);

Adelaide (10th-11th June);

Perth (30th June);

Brisbane (21st-22nd July); and

Auckland, New Zealand (18th-19th August).

The event will highlight the latest developments in the company’s portfolio of ‘Integrated Architecture’ industrial control and automation solutions.

For further information on the program and free registration, contact the Rockwell Automation website at

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