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Rockwell Automation on Tour to hit the road

Rockwell Automation on Tour will visit multiple locations in both metropolitan and regional centres around Australia.

The free educational workshop series allows attendees from all industries to explore the latest aspects of the company’s Integrated Architecture approach to plantwide control and information systems.

Each location will host a free one day event comprising concurrent streams of hands-on labs detailing the latest Rockwell Automation products and software, as well as an industry focussed discussion stream.

Workshops are designed to cater for a range of interests, with introductory and advanced sessions staggered throughout the day, including:

• Advanced PLC programming disciplines
• Integrating safety and standard motor control
• Process control solutions with the Logix platform
• Information solutions software and HMI disciplines
• Migration tools and techniques

According to Matthew Treeby, Marketing Programs Manager, Rockwell Automation, the program will include sessions that focus on solutions to key challenges faced by industry today: manufacturing and IT convergence, energy management, and industrial and machine safety.

The event will also introduce participants to landmark new products being launched in 2013, including Micro 850 programmable controllers, PowerFlex 525 variable speed drives and Studio 5000 automation engineering & design environment software. 

“These events are a fantastic opportunity to update your skills, gain knowledge from industry experts and discover how your peers are solving the same challenges you face,” he remarked.

Rockwell Automation on Tour will be hosted throughout eight locations, from March to June.

Registration for Lab Sessions is essential as seating is limited.

Rockwell Automation on Tour event dates:

  • Sydney (19 March) Rydges Parramatta
  • Newcastle (21 March) Cypress Lakes Resort
  • Brisbane (9 April) Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
  • Darwin (18 April) Holiday Inn Esplanade
  • Adelaide (30 April) Hilton Adelaide
  • Perth (14 May) Duxton Hotel
  • Mackay (4 June) Mackay Entertainment & Convention Centre

More information.

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