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Roadshow to highlight visualisation technology serving critical infrastructure

Jupiter Systems will present an Australian and New Zealand Roadshow highlighting the advanced visualisation technology that supports Australia and New Zealand’s mportant infrastructure projects in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Security, Emergency, Utilities and Mining.

The program will focus on training systems integrators, AV consultants and end-user companies in Jupiter’s state-of-the-art display wall technology.

Throughout the month of March, Sydney-based IDT also plans to use the training sessions in key Australian and New Zealand cities to seek additional relationships with local systems integration firms and consultants.

Mark Dustan, Jupiter Systems Regional Sales Manager, East Asia and South America, will speak, along with members of the IDT technical and sales team, in Auckland, March 12; Melbourne, March 14; Brisbane, March 15; Canberra, March 16; and Perth, March 20.

IDT/Jupiter’s end-user customers span a range of large installations, including Australia Financial and Energy Exchange (FEX), New South Wales Rural Fire Service, Western Australia’s Main Roads, Ergon Energy, James Cooke University, Macquarie Bank, New Zealand Transport Authority, Rio Tinto mining, and the Western Australia Police.

Jupiter-provided processors are used to control large display walls that enable the visualisation of large numbers of data inputs and sources.

Display wall processors provide the nerve center for video walls used in control room operations. These powerful systems elicit data from a broad range of information sources and present it on a large display wall or an operator’s desk where it can be viewed, shared, and manipulated.

Jupiter controllers provide an easy-to-use, high resolution graphical user interface that enables the viewer to see events as they happen in the field and that allows users to zero in on specific areas within that field of reference.

Jupiter’s PixelNet distributed display wall system utilises data network technology to capture, distribute, control and display digital and analog video sources for audiovisual applications. PixelNet adopts Gigabit Ethernet and Ethernet switches for use with high resolution, real-time video.

Using packet-switching technology, PixelNet allows any information source to be shown on any display, whether as a window on a single display or as a window spanning multiple display devices in a display wall. In addition, PixelNet allows any source to be shown at any size on any display or array of displays.

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