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Road maintenance, from the office

Cardno has completed an extensive video survey of the Clarence Valley road network that will help local council staff to pinpoint maintenance issues from the office.

In one of the largest DRIVE projects ever conducted in Australia, Cardno’s Management Services division drove along 2,500 kilometres of sealed and unsealed roads late last year in a vehicle equipped with three geo-referenced video cameras that effectively captured a 180-degree view of the road ahead.

The footage was then used to create an asset register for Clarence Valley Council detailing the condition and specific location of roads and roadside assets such as signs, guard rails and footpaths.

Cardno Senior Technical Officer Matthew Ryeland said the video survey and asset register would assist the Council in prioritising its road maintenance programs.

“As part of the contract, we provide a visual condition rating of road assets so that Council can quickly determine which assets need to be prioritised for maintenance and rehabilitation programs,” he said.

“This technology allows them to sit in the office and view a map showing all the assets believed to be in a poor condition and assess whether an item needs to be replaced immediately or whether further inspection needs to be done.

“It effectively means they don’t have to drive the road network multiple times to look for items of concern, thus saving valuable time and resources.”

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