New Solar Tech Sees 15% More Efficiency
Ireland’s own SolarPrint is a a leading photovoltaic energy technology developer, and its vision for powering the next-generation of wireless sensors is a dye-sensitised solar cell technology that mimics the process of photosynthesis. This technology – which is tuned to harness ambient or diffused light regardless of the incident angle – is said to enhance the ability of today’s energy-harvesting solar cells to produce juice from such low-power, indoor sources by 15%. EarthTechling
Brazilian co-op codes new UHT milk for production efficiencies
Brazilian food cooperative Aurora is harnessing its next generation traceability solution to increase production efficiency and add brand value to a newly launched UHT milk product. Aurora is able to improve the speed and reliability of the entire production process through real-time monitoring and complete automation control. The new traceability solution from Tetra Pak, which Aurora calls Aurora Traced Product, brings customers and consumers more insight than ever before, with information related to each individual milk package, not just an entire lot. Packaging Digest
UAE tests new solar-powered water desalination method
The new solar desalination techniques is a zero-carbon process which helps reduce cost of water treatment, especially in desert areas where dust and high temperatures impair the efficiency of solar panels used in the existing desalination system. Sify News
California’s Solar Power Comes from China
Four Chinese manufacturers account for more than a third of of the modules installed under a California solar incentive, California’s solar industry doesn’t compare well. The largest domestic supplier, based in Silicon Valley, accounts for just 6.3 percent of the solar incentives. NBC Bay Area