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Power projects vital to NSW’s energy future

Energy infrastructure

NSW is in the midst of an energy infrastructure boom, with two major projects gaining planning approval and the Waratah Super Battery to be declared as Critical State Significant Infrastructure.

The two projects gaining planning approval are the $1.08 billion EnergyConnect, a critical
electric interconnector between NSW, South Australia and Victoria, and new transmission
lines to connect Snowy 2.0 to the grid.

Treasurer and minister for energy Matt Kean said the declaration of the Waratah Super Battery to be Critical State Significant Infrastructure recognises the immediate priority of the project.

“The Waratah Super Battery, with a capacity of 700MW, will be the largest standby network
battery in the Southern Hemisphere, acting as a giant shock absorber so that transmission
capacity currently kept in reserve can be freed up to transfer energy to consumers,” Kean

“These three projects are vital for the state’s energy future, with EnergyConnect helping build the capacity of the grid and get renewable energy from South-West NSW and South Australia flowing around the State.”

“By having these strong connections and batteries in place, more energy will be available to everyone and further improve the grid’s reliability, meaning prices will come down and power bills across the state will be lower,” Kean added.

Minister for planning and minister for homes Anthony Roberts said the government’s approval of EnergyConnect and new Snowy 2.0 transmission lines will help get cheaper renewable energy into the power grid.

“We have approved the NSW section of a new 900-kilometre electric interconnector, to link
our grid with South Australia and Victoria, to increase energy security and reliability.

“This EnergyConnect project will see new transmission lines installed from Wagga Wagga to Buronga near the Victorian border, bringing up to 500 construction jobs to these regional areas to build this important piece of infrastructure,” Roberts explained.

“We have also approved nine kilometres of transmission lines to connect Snowy 2.0 to the
grid, which will enable its electricity to enter the market once it’s up and running, a project that will create a further 140 construction jobs,” he concluded.

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