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Plummer block housing

A new generation of large-size bearing housings being introduced to Australasia by Schaeffler is engineered to increase the life of fitted spherical roller bearings by up to 50 per cent compared to conventional plummer block housings.

The FAG Plummer Block Housing SNS – for shafts from 115mm to 530mm and from 4 7/16 inch to 19 1/2 inch diameter – is designed to reduce the total cost of ownership of industrial machinery widely used in Australia and New Zealand, including machinery operating in aggressive environments.

The housing provides a very high sealing action against the ingress of contamination under extreme environmental conditions, making it suitable for use in aggressive environments commonly encountered in industry. Additionally, the design integrates good anti-corrosion characteristics and reduced cleaning requirements, due to inclined run-off areas as well as a projecting upper housing section.

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