Portugese company Real Games has developed a PLC training system
ITS PLC stands for Interactive Training System for PLC, and it presents five real world based industrial systems so that the user can program a PLC and validate the control algorithm through a real-time interactive experience.
Each system is a visual simulation of an industrial system including virtual sensors and actuators, so their state can be sensed by the PLC. The objective is to program the PLC to control each virtual system as if it was a real machine. The information is exchanged between the PLC and the virtual system by a data acquisition board (DAQ) with 32 I/O isolated channels and USB interface.
PLC programming education and training is traditionally based on toggle switches and light bubbles wired to PLCs inputs and outputs. Whilst this is a low cost solution that can support very interesting logic problems, it proves difficult to be used for more than just a few I/O points. Industrial applications of interest, even the simplest, are very hard to simulate using such kits.
ITS PLC offers virtual training systems based on real world industrial scenarios to serve as testbeds in PLC programming.
Any type of PLC can be used. The interface between the PLC and the PC is made with a DAQ board from Advantech, with 32 isolated I/O channels that supports input voltages from 5V DC to 50V DC or dry contact, and output voltages from 5V DC to 40V DC.
For more information, visit www.realgames.pt