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OH&S is music to EARS

Engineering company recognised for innovation in OHS Awards, for their Exhaust Air Recycling System.

Engineering company EARS Australia was awarded a national honour for Best Solution to an Identified Workplace Health and Safety Issue at the national 2007 Safe Work Australia Awards.

The Safe Work Australia Awards are an initiative of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) and were presented by the Hon Julia Gillard MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and Mr Bill Scales AO, Chairman of the ASCC at a ceremony attended by more than 280 people.

Entries into this award could include a product solution, design/engineering innovation, a training program, awareness-raising activity or other risk control measure that reduces the risk of work-related injury and disease.

EARS Australia designed and developed a revolutionary Exhaust Air Recycling System that recycles exhaust air from pneumatic tools back through the compressor instead of being discharged into the working environment.

The result is a dramatic reduction in noise level, reduced vibration, improved efficiency, capture of airborne contaminants generated by the tool’s operation and lower operating costs.

“It is a winning solution on every level,” Mr Scales said.

The system addresses the OHS issues of deafness, respiratory complain and manual handling whilst gaining efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

“This innovation has made a dramatic impact to not just one but many workplaces. It is one of a kind OHS initiative that can be retro-fitted with ease, to existing and new products that has significant real workplace safety benefits,” noted Mr Scales.

“I congratulate EARS Australia for their outstanding commitment to improving occupational health and safety in their workplace as well as others.”

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