Rockwell Automation’s ICS Triplex will be implementing its AADvance safety and control system as part of a compression pilot project for gas off the coast of Norway.
ICS Triplex received the equipment and consulting order from Aker Solutions, which is spearheading the subsea compression pilot project at the Ormen Lange gas field off Norway.
The AADvance system will provide anti-surge and safety control for the subsea compression units, which will be used as all production stations at the Ormen Lange field are located approximately half a mile below sea level.
According to Rockwell, the important order comes only six months after the gas pilot system was launched.
“A key advantage of the AADvance system is its scalability in size, safety and availability,” said a spokesperson for Rockwell.
“This flexibility allowed Aker Solutions to specify the safety level, scale and fault tolerance of specific processes within its system. As a result, ICS Triplex engineers can adapt the control system to meet the specific needs of the project and fit into special metal enclosures designed to withstand high vibration and submersion on the ocean floor.”
The Ormen Lange field is the first large-scale offshore field with all production stations on the seabed, representing one of the most challenging production areas in the North Sea.
Stormy seas, strong currents and an uneven seabed make production particularly problematic, says Rockwell.
Since the site is being developed without using conventional offshore platforms, the compression facilities that ICS Triplex is producing safety control for will be implemented to maintain required production levels and maximise gas recovery.
Contact ICS Triplex on, or phone 08 9314 7787.