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New state manager for compressor company

Champion Compressors has added a new state manager to its group to enhance the company’s “technological edge”.

Ross McNamara will now look after the New South Wales region, overseeing daily operations and introducing a range of new programs that will seek to enhance Champion’s technological edge and also ramp up its customer care.

“When I joined Champion, I was aware that the company boasted an outstanding record in after-sales care,” said McNamara.

“Building on that reputation will be a major focus. At the front end, for example, more service technicians will be on the road in NSW by 2010. A further initiative is to involve our clients in the early stages of product development–right back to the R&D stage. By listening to our clients and acting on their feedback, we have a tremendous opportunity to ensure our new product designs are exactly what the market needs.”

McNamara has held similar roles both locally and overseas where customer service has been a high priority. Such roles have provided McNamara with a solid grounding in both engineering and financial management, according to Champion Compressors.

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