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New Personal Radiation Dosimeter

One major risk of exposure in the mining or mineral processing industries is through the inhalation pathway, which occurs when people breathe radioactive materials into their lungs. The chief concerns are radioactively contaminated dust, smoke, or gaseous radionuclides such as radon.

Radioactive particles can lodge in the lungs and remain for a long time. As long as they remain and continue to decay, the exposure continues. For radionuclides that decay slowly, the exposure continues over a very long time.

Inhalation is of most concern for radionuclides that are alpha or beta particle emitters.

Alpha and beta particles can transfer large amounts of energy to surrounding tissue, damaging DNA or other cellular material. This damage can eventually lead to cancer or other diseases and mutations.

One ways to measure radiation levels in inhalable aerosols is to use Sarad’s MyRIAM Personal Radiation Dosimeter, a personal dosimeter that can determine the dose from these radionuclides in inhaled air. 

This lightweight (300g) dosimeter is easily worn on the body. Its sampling head, battery and electronics have all been integrated into a “mobile phone” sized rugged metal enclosure. No additional cables and hoses are required. 

The dosimeter is worn by personnel when working in areas that present a risk of exposure. The MyRIAM enables both, alpha and beta radiation to be detected simultaneously. The instrument warns the wearer immediately in case of accidents or disasters as well as to provide routinely radiation protection

The MyRIAM uses a membrane filter and an internal pump to collect aerosols. The aerosols are analysed using a semiconductor detector with subsequent alpha spectroscopy and Beta gross counting. 

An accurate determination of the obtained dose without any additional equipment is possible using a special filter analysis mode. The small filter paper (17.5 mm diameter) can be archived and used for preservation of evidence.

Dangerous doses will be detected within 60 Seconds and both audio and visual alarms will warn the wearer. An on-board LED display provides information on recent dose as well as total count rates. An internal rechargeable battery allows approximately 24 hours of autonomous operation and it takes only one hour to recharge the battery.


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