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New gas jobs to come in Bowen and Surat Basins

Santos has proposed further developments to Queensland gas
fields throughout the Bowen and Surat Basins, with claims they could create a
further 1900 jobs on top of existing numbers.

A draft
Environmental Impact statement
has been released by the Queensland Coordinator
General for community consultation.

The draft suggests Santos will require 1700 workers for the
construction phase of the expansion, and 200 for operational requirements.

Queensland deputy premier Jeff Seeney said the project,
including necessary accompanying infrastructure, would be rolled out progressively
over the next 20 years, meaning opportunities for mid- and long-term
employment, The
Chronicle reported

“However its expansion must strike the right balance between
the environment and existing land uses,” he said.

“We promised to grow the resource pillar of our economy and
Santos GLNG’s expansion proposal demonstrates it has confidence in Queensland’s
liquefied natural gas industry.”

Key features of the expansion include a maximum of 6100
production and monitoring wells, underground gas storage, injection wells,
fixed above ground gas field facilities, water management infrastructure, and
pipelines for gas and water.

Works will take place in the Banana, Central Highlands,
Maranoa, and Western Downs regional councils.

Submissions by members of the public and industry will be
accepted up to the 22 December 2014.

The project will be co-ordinated separately from the Santos
GLNG project, but is owned by the same joint venture including Santos Limited,

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