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Upgraded data acquisition suite

DASYLab is a data acquisition software application that allows users to configure custom acquisition, analysis, and control applications in minimal time and without programming.

DASYLab 2016 enhancements include a new state machine module, support for double-precision data, larger block sizes and more. In contrast to other graphical programming environments, DASYLab has a very short learning curve.

Applications can be configured in a few minutes rather than days or weeks.

Users interactively develop PC-based data acquisition applications by simply attaching functional icons.

Real-time displays, math and analysis, and control functions are all included. New Features in DASYLab 2016 include:

  • State Machine Module – Easily set up sophisticated sequences more easily and efficiently. Users can reorder steps, or insert, delete, or append steps at any position in the State Machine.
  • Support for Double-Precision Data – Internal data format changed from a 32-bit float to a 64-bit double for data connections between modules. This structure enhancement supports high-resolution measurements and significantly increases accuracy.
  • Larger Block Sizes – Block sizes up to 1 MS are now supported. Support of larger block sizes increases the resolution and accuracy of block-related operations such as FFT.
  • Support for TDM/TDMS File Format – Users can read/write National Instruments (NI) technical data management (TDM) files and TDM streaming (TDMS) files. TDMS files combine the benefits of several data storage formats – ASCII, binary, XML, and database – into one file format.
  • Enhanced DASYLab DDF File Format – DASYLab 2016 can read and store double-precision data. DASYLab saves all data channels that contain measurement data, TTL signals, histogram data, and calculation and scaling results in a binary DASYLab data format (.ddf) file.
  • Support for Python 2.7.10 – The Script module supports Python 2.7.10 and many Python libraries in the public domain.
  • Support for Virtual Time Bases – Users can refer data sources such as a Switch, Slider, or Generator module to a virtual time base, and then change the synchronisation to the real time base for all modules at once.
  • Support for Windows 10/8/7 32/64-bit

see for more information.

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