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New analysers to unlock mineral value and help processing

Scientists at CSIRO are working on a new range of materials characterisation analysers and techniques that could help unlock the value contained in Australia’s mineral deposits and improve processing performance, according to the organisation.

Machine-mounted sensors, being developed through CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship, could help locate ore deposits, characterise the mining environment, and differentiate ore grades, CSIRO said.

This will enable automated mining machines to respond ‘intelligently’ to the changing detail of the environment and offer real-time amendments to the mine plan, according to the organisation.

Another prototype in development combines features of two existing materials characterisation techniques — x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence — into a new slurry analyser.

The new prototype, dubbed XRDF for its dual origins, is capable of measuring both mineralogy and ultra-low elemental composition directly on a process-stream, without the need for labour-intensive, time-consuming and potentially error-prone sampling.

CSIRO scientist Dr James Tickner said the new prototype could offer a number of benefits over existing on-stream analysers.

“We’re not aware of any other system capable of doing accurate, on-stream mineralogy,” he said.

“The ability to detect elements at parts-per-billion levels in an on-stream system is unique.”

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