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New accelerated engineering degrees

Murdoch University will offer a compressed engineering degree, which will allow students to complete their studies in three years instead of four.

The compressed engineering degree developed by Murdoch University has received the endorsement of the national professional accreditation peak body Engineering Australia.

Murdoch University Science and Engineering Executive Dean Professor Yianni Attikiouzel said the accelerated Bachelor of Engineering degree was largely in response to the global shortage of engineers and will be offered for the first time in 2008.

He said this creative solution to industry demand would enable students to enter the workforce sooner and alleviate the nation’s engineering skills shortage.

“Australia is currently experiencing a major skills shortage in all engineering disciplines and I am confident students and industry would welcome the opportunity to move graduates into the field or post-graduate qualifications sooner,” Professor Attikiouzel said.

“This is especially acute in Western Australia where there is a mining and minerals boom.”

The accelerated degree offers the same number of units, but takes a more flexible approach to the annual timetable to best use university resources. Summer and winter terms will be added to the standard two teaching semesters, resulting in students spending 39 weeks in class instead of 26.

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