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NECA comes to Canberra

The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) NSW Chapter will establish a permanent home in the ACT for its NSW-based Group Training Company.

NECA NSW president Stephen Griffiths said NECA already operated a Group Training Company at its Sydney offices but had decided to establish a regional ACT office to provide support to local contractors and encourage the employment of apprentices in and around Canberra and the wider region.

“NECA has a mission to support our industry and develop employment opportunities for young people and there is a pressing need to address the shortage of skills in the electrotechnology and communications industries in Australia and, importantly, in Canberra and the surrounding region,” Mr Griffiths said.

He explained that the new premises, to be located at Fyshwick, will incorporate corporate offices for the ACT Chapter as well as a new regional office to service country-based NECA NSW members.

“Importantly, the new premises will contain a training facility for apprentices as well as electrical and communications contractors,” Mr Griffiths said.

Richard Mulcahy MLA, ACT Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations, said the decision would result in much-needed employment opportunities in the ACT and surrounds, and would bring economic benefits to Canberra.

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