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Mazda and IBM committed to PLM Openness

Mazda Motor Corporation has signed ProSTEP iViP’s Code of PLM Openness (CPO).

In addition to Isuzu Motors, it is the third Japanese automobile manufacturer to sign the CPO within a week.

Toyota’s participation has made one thing very clear: The drive toward increased openness in PLM is becoming stronger.

Additional Japanese car manufacturers are expected to commit to the CPO initiative soon as well.

Another sign of how important a particular concept is on the market is the position taken by the world’s major IT firms regarding the concept.

IBM too has recognised the importance of the CPO for itself and its new PLM activities, and has also signed the CPO.

Increased openness and less integration work save money and make work easier – not only for users, but for software providers and integrators as well.

Nearly 80 companies from the Americas, Asia, and Europe have now signed and are using the CPO. Their aim is to increase transparency in the area of openness in PLM.

The CPO offers users the opportunity to streamline procurement processes and negotiations.

PLM Opennness

IT providers use it to clearly express how they integrate the necessary openness in their products and describe the integration options they provide to third parties.

Up until now, these topics were considered to be “necessary, but almost impossible to address.”

[Graphic and image courtesy ProSTEP iViP.]

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