The MPK-253 digital low resistance ohmmeter is a portable, microprocessor-controlled instrument used to measure resistances of switches and circuit breaker contacts, transformer and motor windings, wire and cable, joints in busbars, etc., using test currents from 1mA up to 10 A.
The Kelvin-type, four-terminals measurement principle, eliminates errors caused by lead and contact resistances.
Resistance readings are shown in the alphanumeric display with up to a 4½ digit-resolution. Resistances of up to 200Ω, with a resolution down to 1µΩ can be measured.
The RS232 port provides data to a printer, PC, or any data logger.
The open circuit output voltage is up to 10V, depending on the selected test current, reducing the stabilisation time for the test current when highly inductive elements (especially transformers windings) are measured.
The measurement circuit has an effective protection against voltage peaks generated by inductive kickback.
The Hold function keeps in the display the value measured at a certain time-point.
Operation is intuitive: Just connect the leads, switch-on the equipment, select the test current and press the start button. After a few seconds (depending on inductance of the element), direct reading appears on the display with the measure unit indication (Ω, mΩ or µΩ). On-scree messages guide the operator (Low battery, Over-range, etc).