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Linear position sensing technology

According to Bestech, the LVIT (Linear Variable Inductive Transducer) is a true disruption in the industrial position sensor industry by merging the benefits of contactless inductive sensing and low cost of contact based technologies. 

LVITs are contactless devices designed for factory automation and a variety of heavy duty industrial or commercial applications such as solar cell positioners, wind turbine prop pitch and brakes, chute or gate positioners on off-road or agri-vehicles, bridge expansion and rail sun kink monitoring, robotic arm position feedback, snow plow positioning, automotive/ motor sports, and packaging equipment. 

With their compact yet robust design, superior performance, and excellent stroke-to-length ratio, the ASG’s LVITs are ideal for both industrial and OEM position sensing applications.  

Features include:
•    Contactless operation prevents wear out from dither or cycling 
•    Ranges from 12.5 to 450 mm 
•    Radial cable exit version comes with swivel rod eye ends
•    Four Analog outputs
•    Axial termination versions with either M-12 connector or 1m cable
•    ASG's proprietary SenSet field scalability

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