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JT Data Format is the first ISO Standard for sharing 3D product information

Siemens’ JT data format, a lightweight data format that makes it possible to view and share digital 3D product information in real-time throughout all phases of the product’s lifecycle, has been approved by the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) as an International Standard.

JT enhances collaboration by enabling manufacturers to move 3D product data seamlessly and instantly among the large number of computer-aided design (CAD) and product lifecycle management (PLM) software applications supporting the standard.

With its acceptance as the world’s first ISO International Standard for lightweight 3D visualisation, JT will enable manufacturers to free themselves from dependence on vendor’s proprietary formats and more easily extend the use of 3D visualisation and collaboration throughout their business.

“General Motors has used the JT file format for more than a decade as part of our PLM strategy for lightweight 3D visualisation and collaboration,” said Nick Bell, CIO Global Product Development, General Motors.

"JT allows our team to easily communicate design data across the enterprise and our supply chain, improving our ability to communicate and collaborate visually. For this reason, we are very pleased to see JT finally recognised as an ISO International Standard.”

“Over the past 15 years JT has experienced global adoption as an open format for sharing and visualising 3D product data and has become a common language for 3D collaboration in PLM,” said Chuck Grindstaff, CEO and president, Siemens PLM Software.

“The acceptance of JT as an ISO standard will further accelerate its adoption, thereby improving product development productivity and efficiency for the global manufacturing industry.

"Today’s announcement is a historic milestone for PLM open standards and further reinforces Siemens’ overall commitment to an open business model that benefits the entire industry.”

Siemens PLM Software worked closely with ProSTEP iViP, a global consortium committed to advancing open standards, to complete the process of gaining ISO International Standard status for JT.

ProSTEP iViP was also instrumental in the publication of the JT File Format Reference document as a Publicly Available Specification (ISO PAS 14306) in October 2009, which was the first step towards becoming an International Standard.

ISO IS14306 provides a detailed and comprehensive description of the JT data format enabling corporations and software vendors the ability to further leverage JT in their PLM workflow and software applications.

JT acceptance was coordinated through TC 184 / SC4, the ISO body responsible for Industrial Data, through a global ballot process.

[Image courtesy Siemens PLM Software.]

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