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IPS teams with Pepperl+Fuchs for intrinsic safety solutions

Invensys Process Systems (IPS) has teamed with Pepperl+Fuchs, a supplier of intrinsic safety solutions for the process industries, to offer seamless integration of the Pepperl+Fuchs intrinsically safe I/O interface product lines with IPS’ I/A Series distributed control system technology.

With built-in barriers and field connections, the integrated modules are a low-cost, small footprint, and easy-to-maintain solution for mounting I/O modules in hazardous locations, the companies say.

Such tight integration should provide users with a transparent interface from which they can set up, configure and maintain intrinsic safety using standard I/A Series tools. The solution is certified for Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous environments.

“Our clients are looking for proven, cost-effective ways to prevent disasters in hazardous environments, not simply contain them,” said IPS director of DCS business, Betty Naylor-McDevitt.

“Traditional explosion-proof cabinets are too costly to install and maintain, and our clients need reliable equipment that is easier to maintain and has a smaller footprint. This is the perfect solution.”

Seamless integration of IPS and Pepperl+Fuchs technology should have many benefits for users. Because the intrinsically safe modules are hot-swappable without a hot work permit, maintenance is easier and safer and with built-in redundancy in communication modules, power supplies and bus interfaces, availability is high, the companies claim.

IPS offers the integrated solution on HART capable modules so I/A series system users can manage intrinsically safe operation of any vendor’s HART field devices. Integration with I/A Series technology also brings compatibility with IPS’s FDT-based Field Device Manager; users can set up, commission and maintain smart devices within a common engineering environment.

“We are impressed by how efficiently the IPS and Pepperl+Fuchs teams worked together to create a seamless integration of our products,” said Pepperl+Fuchs Global Account Manager for Invensys, Karsten Fischer.

“I/A Series system users will experience and appreciate the ease of setting up and configuring the Intrinsically Safe equipment using standard I/A Series tools. They will incur less CAPEX while experiencing the same superior performance and without jeopardizing safety or needing to invest in expensive explosion-proof cabinets.”

To learn more about Intrinsically Safe I/O solutions from IPS, please visit the IPS website.

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