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Invite: Embedded systems industry lunch

Industry group Embedded Systems Australia (ESA) is inviting interested parties to come along to a technology luncheon on 14th October 2008 to learn more about the “magic within” embedded technology.

ESA represents a group of companies who deal with embedded technologies, including The Warren Centre, NICTA, NSW DSRD and AEEMA.

The basis for ESA is to bring together companies and researchers active in the area of embedded technology and help them to work together to grow the technology’s representation in the industry.

Speaking at the lunch, called ‘Embedded Systems: The “Magic Within”’, will be NSW Dept of State & Regional Development executive director, industry, Michael O’Sullivan.

Organisations including Altium Limited, BCS Innovations, and OEM Technology Solutions Pty Ltd will also be attending the event and will share their experiences with Embedded Systems Australia.

The meeting has been called to launch an ‘industry capability map’, which is essentially ‘who’s who’ of embedded systems technology and what they are all capable of delivering.

The lunch will run from 12-2pm on Tuesday 14th October 2008, at the NSW Dept of State & Regional Development, Level 47, MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney.

For more information about the luncheon or to RSVP, contact Janice Humphreys at or phone 0404 045 955.

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