The ISA Security Compliance Institue launches an automation controls industry program called ISASecure.
The Institute’s mission is to conduct independent assessments and validation of compliance to consensus industry security standards for manufacturing automation controls.
The ISA Security Compliance Institute is an industry consortium that facilitates an efficient forum of asset owners and suppliers for proposing, reviewing and, approving security conformance requirements for products in the automation controls industry. The resulting requirements form the basis for the ISASecure compliance designation, enabling suppliers to develop secure automation control products based on industry consensus security standards.
The ISASecure designation creates instant recognition of automation control products and systems that comply with ISASecure technical specifications.
Asset owners are able to efficiently procure and deploy ISASecure products with well-known security characteristics that are in conformance with industry consensus security standards.
The program is an extension of ISA sponsored services to the automation controls community, providing linkages between automation control security standards (such as ISA99) and compliance to those standards.
Asset owners and technology providers are invited to read the prospectus and join.