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Industry Solutions loses CEO

The CEO of the Industry Solutions Division in Siemens’ Industry Sector, Joergen-Ole Haslestad, will leave the company on his own accord in September 2008. No replacement has been appointed yet.

Mr Haslestad will take on a new responsibility in his home country of Norway, as CEO of Yara International, a chemical firm that operates globally. “We thank Joergen-Ole Haslestad for his many years of service and will secure a successor as soon as possible,” said Sector CEO Heinrich Hiesinger.

Joergen-Ole Haslestad began his professional career at Siemens in 1976 as a project engineer in Norway. After many years of service in Siemens’ power generation business, he became the head of Siemens’ former Industrial Solutions & Services (I&S) Group in September 2001. He has been the CEO of the Industry Solutions Division since January 2008.

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