Enhanced TotalFORCE® capability in PowerFlex 755T drive from Rockwell Automation provides improved performance and more protection for mining industry.
Mining companies are now working towards various digital transformation programs and creating connected mines. Data and insights with security are the essential needs of any connected mine. Although devices used in connected mines need new digital capability, the basic need for high performance and reliability remain paramount in mining industry.
PowerFlex® 755T drives with TotalFORCE® technology provides smart capabilities like adaptive control and predictive analytics to help optimise the availability and performance of many mining applications like conveyors.
Now the TotalFORCE technology has been enhanced with new capabilities to further improve its performance and fit to the applications. Corrosive gas protection, which is now standard on Allen-Bradley® PowerFlex 755TL, TR and TM drives provide greater protection. These drives have been tested to one of the most severe corrosive environment test protocols that combines industry leading, 30-day exposure in mixed flow gas testing per ASTM B845 Method K with proprietary tests for industries with sources of gaseous sulfur compounds.
The PowerFlex 755T drives also now have an embedded dual ethernet port, which is capable of gigabit speeds to give users smart device insights.
Additional enhancements to the PowerFlex 755T drives include several new firmware updates for industrial control system security, maintenance resource optimisation and energy usage.
One of these additions is CIP Security, which helps prevent unauthorised connections, communications tampering, and provides confidentiality of data. This security feature becomes important for customers with a vision of digital transformation or connected mines. The enhanced security feature provides a secure option for communication.
Another firmware update provides an improved software user interface for viewing and interacting with the predictive maintenance features. In addition, frequency control modes for synchronous reluctance motors are included with several other improvements.
Conveyors in mining are one of the most critical applications and often require a coordinated drive system with load sharing capability. The PowerFlex 755T drives also now have a new option card to support TLink, a high-speed drive-to-drive fibre optic communication network. This card can be beneficial for applications that require tight coordination of torque or speed between drives.
In addition to improved performance in load sharing and coordinated drive applications, TLink can also help simplify system design and commissioning. It can control synchronisation between drives compared to other methods.