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IICA NSW Technical Night, DCS versus PLC

Are you confused with the difference between modern DCS or SCADA/PLC systems? The Institute of Instrumentation, Control & Automation (IICA) is holding a technical event at North Ryde, New South Wales, with industry speakers who will talk on the topic.

Representatives from Emerson Process Management, Schneider Electric and Yokogawa Australia will present their line-ups of DCS and SCADA/PLC control systems, and will be able to answer any technical questions you might have.

Come along to this Technical evening to help you understand current trends and make informed decisions.

The event, called ‘DCS v PLC — The Great Debate’, will take place on Tuesday 16 February 2010 at the North Ryde Golf Club in North Ryde.

Registration is free and the event will kick-off at 6pm. Register online here.

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