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IICA & NES tour: Don’t miss out!

NESS Security Products/APCS will be holding a factory tour and information evening in conjunction with the Institute of Instrumentation, Control & Automation on 24th February with industry delegates invited to attend.

The guided factory tour of NESS’ modern manufacturing facility in Seven Hills will include presentations on the OEM Operation, New Products by APCS & the Ness M1 Cross Platform Controller – the ‘PLC’ in Building Automation.

The event will take place at NESS’s factory located at 4/167 Prospect Highway Seven Hills NSW 2147.

The event will unfold thus:

6.00pm: Drinks & Light Refreshments

Guided Factory Tour/Site Visit

7.00pm—8.00pm: Presentation & Open Forum

Bookings are essential and there are few places left so register now by visiting or emailing

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