IFS has launched its latest project-based solutions software, PBS 3.0, designed to give organisations greater visibility and control of their business critical projects. PBS 3.0 offers project driven organisations an application that incorporates all the benefits of a fully integrated ERP suite with specialist functionality for Project Control, Project Financial Control and Project Materials Management. The solution can also be integrated with third party planning tools dramatically improving customers’ ability to manage projects throughout their lifecycle and ensures vital project data is captured at the heart of core business systems.
Rob Stummer, IFS managing director, ANZ, comments: “Full visibility and control of projects throughout an organisation is essential. Problems occur when entire projects or subprojects are planned and monitored outside of normal corporate systems. This makes it impossible for project managers to track and understand how their projects can impact each other and the subsequent implications this has on the overall performance of the business.”
The enhanced Financial Control features within PBS 3.0 give users better revenue visibility across projects, the ability to predict future cost implications when changes occur to a project schedule and the means to keep tight control of actual vs. projected costs through real-time data on project progress. In addition, new Materials Management functionality allows users to manage bulk materials efficiently, ensuring the correct volumes are in stock at the right time, reducing unnecessary bottlenecks across project lines.
Stummer adds, “Recent results from a study IFS commissioned with Forrester Consulting highlighted that a lack of sufficient information causes significant project delays and duplication of effort. There is an opportunity for organisations in Australia and New Zealand to gain the competitive edge through taking advantage of available technologies and standardising their approach to project management.”
Available for the first time through IFS’ revolutionary user interface, IFS Enterprise Explorer, the system has been developed with ease-of-use in mind, helping project managers to be in control of their projects with speed and accuracy. As the solution gives users access to data in real-time, they always have to the latest information to hand, helping them make timely and accurate decisions.
IFS is currently working with the International Project Management Association to develop a comprehensive Sustainable Efficiency study to explore further the extent to which companies manage their most business critical projects as well as identifying best practices in this area.