
Ian Gibson’s industry contribution recognised

The 2013 PACE Zenith Awards recognised a professional who has devoted his life to growing and strengthening the process control industry.

Ian Gibson has a long and distinguished career which includes leadership roles in the IICA and senior engineering positions in WorleyParsons and Fluor Australia.

He also plays an active role in several standards organizations and is a respected author. Ian turns 78 this month and although he "kinda" retired eight years ago, he continues to remain in full time employment.

Ian was given a Special Industry Contribution Award on the night. He could not attend the dinner but sent in the following message:

"I joined the Society of Instrument Technology Australia, the IICA's parent back in 1960, and became Victoria Division Chairman and Hon. Fed Secretary early in the sixties.

"I have remained a committee member and occasional chairman ever since, was for many years a Federal Councillor and President, and have been minder of the corporate litter box for the past 50 years.

I wouldn't have done it if it hadn't proven to be interesting. I represent IICA on several Australian Standards committees, and through them, provide Australian input to IEC, ISO and ISA standards groups on measurement and process safety. 

"Every profession needs a memory and a mentor, to go with the enthusiasm and drive of the new members. This I continue to try to provide.

"I would urge those present to take a look at your professional society, and contemplate how much better it could be if it only had your personal input. Give it a go. You may be surprised to find how much fun it can be." 

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