Abigroup has been awarded a $40 million project by the Hunter Water Corporation to build a new water recycling plant as part of the Hunter Treatment Alliance program of works.
The Kooragang Industrial Water Scheme (KIWS) involves constructing a new water reuse plant that will use Micro-filtration Reverse Osmosis processes with a 9 ML/day output including provision for a future expansion to 12 ML/day.
Abigroup’s Ian Hutchinson, who is the Hunter Treatment Alliance Program Manager, said, “I’m very excited that Hunter Water Corporation Board has decided to deliver the KIWS project using the Hunter Treatment Alliance delivery model.
“We believe that the KIWS team have found the best technical and value for money solution available to Hunter Water Corporation for this type of project,” said Hutchinson.
The project includes an on-site education centre building, discharge and return water pipelines and the design, construction and commissioning of all telemetry and control systems for the scheme.
Design work is set to start in May 2012 with site mobilisation expected to commence in December 2012. The project is expected to be completed by mid-2014.
The Hunter Treatment Alliance is carrying out a $240 million five-year program of works with the Hunter Water Corporation designed to enable the region to cater for increased population growth and ensure the plants operate reliably and sustainably into the future.
The program includes the upgrade of 13 existing wastewater treatment plants in the Newcastle region. The scope of work varies for each of the wastewater treatment plants but mainly includes the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of the upgraded plants.