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How to improve productivity and save money: Seminars

Siemens is offering customers the chance to discover how to achieve maximum productivity while also reducing costs through a round of seminars displaying its products and solutions throughout Australia and New Zealand this year.

Commencing at Siemens head office in Bayswater, Melbourne, the Siemens Productivity Tour is a half-day seminar that comes to customers and covers the latest innovations in workflow efficiencies, cost reduction and flexible processes that dramatically streamline business operations, according to the company.

It will travel throughout Victoria from Melbourne to Geelong, Mildura, Bendigo, Albury and Sale, to Tasmania where it will be based in Launceston; in New South Wales to Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle; throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory to Gladstone, Mackay, Townsville and Mt Isa; in Western Australia to Perth, Kalgoorlie and Karatha; in South Australia to Adelaide and Wyalla, before heading to New Zealand in February 2010 to both Auckland and Christchurch.

Tailored to the specific needs of the Australian and New Zealand business communities, the half-day format commences with a 1½ hour overview session for managers, consultants and engineers to introduce the challenges and the solutions Siemens has for plant productivity and cost control through automation.

The day continues with more detailed sessions focused on the areas of energy reduction, achieving maximum efficiencies in installation and operational costs, and improving plant utilisation without compromising people and process safety. Each session includes live demonstrations of innovative automation and process instrumentation solutions for these business requirements.

Siemens Industry Solutions vice president, Bernard Kienlein, said the Productivity Tour presents businesses with a unique insight into innovative ways of increasing productivity and controlling costs, which is particularly important in the current global economic climate.

“Companies are faced with pressure in competition, costs and innovation. Siemens is providing solutions to cope with this pressure through standardised and flexible work flows and processes, and we want to showcase these for the benefit of our customers throughout Australia and New Zealand,” he said.

“Siemens is pleased to be bringing the Productivity Tour to our customers to share how the concept of Totally Integrated Automation and its added value can be transferred easily and successfully to any industry.

“Totally Integrated Automation enables our customers to manufacture products in greater volumes, with quicker turnarounds and reduced resources. Most importantly, our technologies achieve this production superiority without jeopardising the quality and safety of products, people, machinery and environments.”

Dates and venues for the Productivity Tour in each location will be confirmed shortly. Register now to be eligible for a training voucher to attend any Siemens training courses valued at $500 (conditions apply). Register online at or contact our customer care centre on 131 773.

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