Most of you can’t remember camera’s with film in them. In fact, most won’t even remember the early 5Megapixel digital cameras. Today cameras are everywhere.
AMS – Editorial
In Phones; drones; computers; and cars. They give us great insight into all the things we missed in ‘real time’. Further they provide us with supporting information in our daily journeys. They can also give us a view of what we have never known.
Why am I talking about cameras? That is simple. I’ll explain!
Over the years pipeline operators have identified ‘problems’ within their pipes. Corrosion where none should be. Sludge and objects clogging pipes and valves; sudden failures; poor measurements. If only we could see into our process in real time. That dream is now a reality! Process Vision have developed a hardened video camera along with the ‘tools’ to help determine problems and warn when all is not well.
Process Vision is a UK company who, after a four-year development program have created a safe, innovative, retro-fit system to quickly report and determine contamination of “dry” gas systems.
That product is called LineVu. It provides a continuous live video stream of pipeline activity and alarms upon a process failure, with analysis systems that can determine the extent and identity of the contamination. When engineers are able to see the extent and impact of the problem, immediate action can be taken and a better diagnosis is possible. Process data is overlaid on the video so that events can be replayed with all the relevant data on screen.
With zero intrusion into the pipe diameter, the optical system is recessed from the pipeline to avoid contamination of the optics, and there is a secondary containment system to enable long term, safe, monitoring.
LineVu reveals contamination in high pressure natural gas systems that until now has been un-detected. Despite commercial and legal contracts requiring that no liquids or solids should enter a gas network, it is common to find that liquid contamination is the cause of damage to power stations and other plant all over the world.
In a nutshell, LineVu is a camera system that can be permanently installed on high pressure natural gas systems.
You might well ask, why would I want to do that?
Well, for example, when installed downstream of a gas/liquid separator LineVu provides a live video stream of the gas leaving the separator system. Rather than needing to learn how to recognize ‘events’ and possible problems, we use Image processing to provide operators with a highly sensitive alarm if there is a break-through that contaminates the gas stream.
By monitoring the efficiency of gas/liquid separation systems LineVu provides game-changing safety and financial benefits.
As you can see in the photo above, the Camera ‘Can’ of the LineVu system is mounted above a pipeline, normally behind a double block and bleed valve, thereby providing a “stand-off”. This type of installation practice has a further benefit as any contamination present in the gas flow does not foul the optics of the instrument.
The data from the Camera ‘Can’ is then fed to one of three possible user interfaces: Line Vu – Local; Line Vu – Remote; Line Vu – Mobile.
Process Vision is an innovative company. LineVu is just one step for them. We will continue to see new things and opportunities to expand your understanding in the near future.
Isn’t time to be more Analytical!