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Have your say on NSW’s Manufacturing Industry Action Plan

Individuals, business and organisations are invited to have their say and contribute to the development of a Manufacturing Industry Action Plan for NSW.

The NSW Government’s ‘Have Your Say‘ website is open until 18 November, 2011 to receive online comments and submissions.

Public submissions and input is encouraged to help develop Industry Action Plans for the following key sectors of the NSW economy:
Manufacturing – with a focus on processed food and beverage manufacturing; metal manufacturing; and machinery and equipment manufacturing including biomedical and medical devices, renewable energy technology, and defence equipment.
Professional Services – focused on finance and insurance; legal and regulatory services; and engineering services.
The Digital Economy – focused on digital content and applications; information services and analytics; and smart networks and intelligent technologies.
Tourism and Events – with a focus on developing a tourism and events strategy to double tourism expenditure to NSW by 2020.

NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Stoner said the Government has established Industry Taskforces to develop the Industry Action Plans to position key sectors of the NSW economy for growth, innovation and productivity, exports and global competitiveness, and new investment over the next decade and beyond.

Formal submissions are also being sought addressing the Taskforces Terms of Reference, which are available on the site. The closing date for these is 25 November 2011.

Submissions can be uploaded via the Have Your Say website or mailed to:

Industry Action Plans
c/o: Innovation Unit
NSW Trade & Investment
GPO Box 5477
Sydney, NSW 2001

Public forums are also planned for both metropolitan and regional areas in February and March next year.

Meetings will also be held with key industry thought leaders in peak industry associations, regional associations, individual companies and academia.

[Image courtesy NSW Have Your Say.]

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